Back to Back Prairie Pronghorns S21 Ep14
April 6th on CityTV Keith Beasley is pronghorn hunting in Southern Alberta with good friend Rod Wendorff. They are trying to harvest two good antelopes on the beautiful, yet challenging prairies.
Late Season in Newfoundland S21 Ep13
March 30th on CityTV Paul Beasley is moose and bear hunting in Newfoundland post-rut with ‘Deep Country Lodge’. He’s going to have to hunt hard and overcome lots of obstacles if he hopes to harvest a mature bull and boar.
Manitoba Spring Bears S21 Ep12

March 23rd on CityTV Kevin Beasley is black bear hunting with his bow in Manitoba with ‘Sandy River Outfitters’. He’ll be joined by good friend Keith Beam, of ‘GSM Outdoors’, and they both have some very exciting bear hunts.
Hunting the Rut in Saskatchewan S21 Ep11
March 16th on CityTV Keith Beasley is hunting the rut in Saskatchewan with ‘Creeks Edge Outfitters’. He’s searching for a mature buck and has some great deer encounters during his week hunting.
Bears, Grouse & Bucks S21 Ep10
March 9th Paul Beasley is taking his daughter, and new hunter, Britney on a fun Ontario hunting adventure. They are going after black bears and grouse with ‘Maiden Bay Camp’. And even have a great father-daughter deer hunt back in southern Ontario.
Big Oceanside Bulls S21 Ep9
March 2nd on CityTV Kevin Beasley is on an epic moose hunt in Newfoundland, as he hunts the southeast coast of the island for big bull moose with ‘Garia Bay Outfitters’.
Chasing Big Ontario Bears S21 Ep8
February 23rd on CityTV Paul Beasley is archery bear hunting in Ontario with ‘Whitefish Lodge’ with good friend Gerry Dinesen of ‘Monsen’s Sporting Goods’. They both have some great bear encounters and even a few surprise encounters along the way.
Ultimate Hudson Bay Adventure S21 Ep7
February 16th on CityTV Keith Beasley is on an amazing waterfowl adventure in Manitoba, as he hunts along the Hudson Bay coast for snow geese, Canada’s and ducks with ‘Kaska Goose Lodge’. He also gets into some world-class brook trout fishing and has many epic encounters with polar bears, wolves and moose in the Manitoba lowlands.
Big Bulls on Island Oasis S21 Ep6
February 9th Paul Beasley is moose hunting in New Brunswick. He’s staying on an island camp while he searches for a mature bull and has some amazing up close and personal encounters, while hunting with ‘Long Lake Adventures’.
All Day Saskatchewan Bucks S21 Ep5
February 2nd on CityTV Kevin Beasley is deer hunting the big woods of Saskatchewan with ‘Bait Masters Hunting Camp’. He’s looking for redemption as he’s after a truly world class buck.
Big Boars with Bows S21 Ep4
January 26th on CityTV Keith Beasley is in the bear woods of Northern Ontario, going after mature boars with his bow. Joining him will be good friend, Evan Williams, of Hoyt Archery, as they both have some very exciting hunts with ‘Kammoe & Sons Outfitters’.
Epic Archery Moose Hunt S21 Ep3
January 19th on CityTV Keith Beasley is archery hunting moose in Northern Ontario with ‘White River Air’. He has some amazing encounters as he looks for a big bull.
East Coast Turkey & Bear Combo S21 Ep2
January 12th on CityTV Paul Beasley is hunting the first ever non-resident turkey hunt along with some heart pumping black bear hunting in New Brunswick with ‘William’s Woods and Water Outfitters’.
53″ Newfoundland Giant S21 Ep1
January 5th on CityTV Kevin Beasley is hunting giant bull moose in Newfoundland with ‘Newfoundland Adventures Outfitters’. Kevin has some great up close and personal encounters and has his sights set on an amazing bull.
Prairie Pronghorns S20 Ep 14
April 7th: Paul Beasley is on his first ever pronghorn antelope hunt in Alberta after drawing a 12-year tag. He’ll be hunting with good friend Kevin Wert and Chase Wendorff of ‘Ridgetec Game Cameras’. He has some great stalks and exciting encounters as they try to harvest a couple great bucks.
Great Hunts Just North of the Border S20 Ep13
October 6th: Paul Beasley is showcasing some of Ontario’s amazing hunting and fishing opportunities, including waterfowl, deer & turkey, along with an exciting ice fishing adventure.
Woodland Caribou and Bull Moose Combo S20 Ep12
September 29th: Keith Beasley is battling the extreme weather of Newfoundland as he hunts for moose and woodland caribou with ‘Newfoundland Adventure Outfitters’. With the effects of Hurricane Lee still very present, Keith has no choice but to trudge through the rain, wind and heavy fog, as he peruses a mature bull moose and bull caribou with his bow.
Big Bucks – Big Heartbreak S20 Ep11
December 22nd: Kevin Beasley is heading back to ‘Bait Masters Hunting Camp’ in Saskatchewan, as he attempts to harvest a mature whitetail buck with his crossbow. This is Kevin’s third time coming back to this outfit and this time he is hoping to harvest a true mature Saskatchewan Whitetail. He has some heart pounding encounters and is in for an exciting week hunting the big woods of Saskatchewan.
Great Bear and Fish Combo S20 Ep10
December 15th: Paul Beasley is spring bear hunting with his crossbow in the far reaches of Northern Ontario with ‘Andomoozewe Outfitters & Lodge’. He’ll be hunting with good friend John Ward of ‘Camillus Knives’ and they both get to enjoy some great fishing and have some exciting bear encounters this week.
Giant Newfoundland Bull Moose S20 Ep09
December 8th: Keith Beasley is moose hunting with his rifle in Newfoundland with ‘A1 Hunts Twin Lakes’. He has some incredible close encounters with some great bulls as he hunts for a mature bull, on ‘The Rock’.
Nunavut Caribou S20 Ep08
December 1st: Kevin Beasley is on a tundra adventure as he hunts for a barren-ground caribou in Nunavut, with ‘Henik Lake Adventures’. He’ll be putting his glass to work as they cover a lot of ground searching for a mature bull. But he will have to overcome some bad weather if he hopes to harvest a bull with his bow.
Big Bears and Epic Walleye S20 Ep07
November 24th: Kevin Beasley is bear hunting in Northwestern Ontario with his father Ken as they hunt with ‘Dog Lake Bears’. They will be trying to harvest a mature bear with their crossbows and they also experience their best day fishing ever as they target aggressive spring walleye and bass.
Remote Cabin & Big Bulls S20 Ep06
November 17th: Paul Beasley is on a true remote Newfoundland moose hunting adventure, as he hunts with the newly established ‘Akhaia Outfitters’. They will be hunting hard, as they explore new grounds that haven’t been hunted for over a decade. The area is absolutely stunning with great moose sign, but they will need to push themselves to try and harvest a mature bull with a bow.
Saskatchewan Bruiser Bucks S20 Ep05
November 10th: Keith Beasley is rifle hunting the big deer woods of Saskatchewan, as he hunts for a mature buck with ‘Buck Country Outfitters’. He’s in for a great hunt full of deer encounters and has his eyes set on a great buck.
Limiting out on Cranes, Duck and Geese S20 Ep04
November 3rd: Kevin Beasley is hunting a mixed bag of waterfowl in Manitoba with guest Marc Bender of ‘Hercules Tire’. They’ll be hunting with the infamous ‘Birdtail Waterfowl’ and have some amazing hunts for ducks, geese and even sandhill cranes.
Ontario Big Bull Moose S20 Ep03
October 27th: Paul Beasley is moose hunting Northwestern Ontario with ‘Winoga Lodge’. They will be boating into back bays and trying to call out a mature bull and take part in some great fishing.
Bear of a Million Hunts S20 Ep02
October 20th: Keith Beasley is hunting big black bears with his bow in Manitoba with ‘Baldy Mountain Outfitters’. Joining him will be Brooks Hansen of ‘Camp Chef’. They will be hunting, fishing and cooking, and Keith has the chance to harvest the biggest coloured bear he has ever seen with his own eyes.
Big Bull Moose at 10 Yards S20 Ep01
October 13th: Kevin Beasley is moose hunting the stunning island of Newfoundland with ‘Next Ridge Outfitters’ and has some once in a lifetime encounters as he pursues a mature Newfoundland bull.
Saskatchewan Buck Country S19 Ep13
Dec 24th, Paul Beasley heads to Saskatchewan, with his crossbow, to hunt the infamous deer woods with ‘Buck Country Canada’. Paul’s surrounded by deer and has some incredible encounters, as he tries to hold out for his target buck.
Spike Camp Moose Hunting S19 Ep12
Dec 17th, Keith Beasley is on a moose hunting adventure in Newfoundland. He’s hunting with ‘Hideaway Lodge’, as they stay and hunt out of their prized spike camp in Central Newfoundland. They hunt hard and have some heart stopping close encounters.
Alberta Pronghorns S19 Ep11
Dec 10th, Kevin Beasley is hunting pronghorn in Southern Alberta. Joined by good friend and owner of ‘Ridgetec Game Cameras’ Chase Wendorff, they are both in search of one of these incredible animals.
Ontario Boat-Only Moose S19 Ep10
Dec 3rd, Paul Beasley and his father Ken are on a true moose hunting adventure in Northwestern Ontario. They’ll be canoeing the back bays with ‘Lake St. Joe Adventures’ as they search for an Ontario bull moose.
Hunting Ontario’s Pre-Rut S19 Ep9
Nov. 26th, Paul Beasley is hunting North Western Ontario’s Sunset Country for a mature buck with his crossbow. He’ll be hunting with “Border Country Outfitters” as he searches for a mature buck during the pre-rut.
Central Newfoundland Moose Hunt S19 Ep8
Nov 19th, Keith Beasley is battling the elements in Newfoundland as he hunts for a mature bull moose with ‘Middle Ridge Outfitters’.
Bear and Pheasant Dream Hunt S19 Ep7
Nov 12th , Kevin Beasley is on a unique hunt in New Brunswick. He’ll be spot and stalking black bears in the wheat fields and also pheasant hunting, while with ‘Hanscome Outdoor Adventures’.
Black Bear Hunting in Ontario S19 Ep6
Nov 5th, Keith Beasley is black bear hunting in Northeastern Ontario with ‘Olive The Lake’. Keith is crossbow hunting and hopes for a good size bear for his freezer.
Newfoundland Moose Hunting – Camping Style S19 Ep5
Oct 29th, Paul Beasley is camping and hunting in the remote wilderness of Newfoundland as he archery hunts for a mature bull moose with “Grand Lake Adventures”. The crew goes deep and works hard as they get into some incredible moose action in the rugged back country of “The Rock”.
A Waterfowl Paradise in Saskatchewan S19 Ep 4
Oct 22nd, Keith Beasley is waterfowl hunting West Central Saskatchewan with the infamous “Buck Paradise Outfitters”. He’s joined by Craig Platz of “Integra Tire” and outfitter Grant Kuypers and they have a blast hunting a variety of locations and species, including the spectacular Specklebelly goose.
Ontario Bruins Beginners Luck S19 Ep3
Oct 15th, Kevin Beasley is crossbow hunting North Western Ontario for mature black bears. He’ll be hunting with “Woman River Camp & Outpost” and is joined by Marc Bender of “Hercules Tire”. This is Marc’s first ever hunt and he turns out to have beginner’s luck, as he encounter some big black bears while hunting from the ground.
Colour Phase Bears in the Snow S19 Ep2
Oct 8th, Paul Beasley is archery hunting the “Black Bear Factory of North America” in Western Manitoba with “Muskeg Country Outfitters”. He’ll be joined by Clint Warner of “Easton Archery” as they hunt spring black bears in the snow and have encounter after encounter of big black and even some colour phase bears.
Giant Moose on the Rock S19 Ep1
Oct 1st, Kevin Beasley is hunting with “Arluk Outfitters” in the rugged yet beautiful terrain found on the West Coast of Newfoundland. He’s in search of a mature bull moose and encounters one of the biggest bulls taken from the province in years.
Black Bears in the Far North S18 Ep1
October 2nd on City Tv, Keith Beasley is taking his oldest son, Kaden, on his first Northern Ontario fly-in bear hunt. They’ll be hunting with ‘Brace Lake Outfitters’ in search of a mature Ontario bruin and also enjoying great walleye and pike fishing that the area is known for.
Off Grid Moose S18 Ep2
October 9th on City Tv, Paul Beasley is headed to a very remote camp in Newfoundland in search of moose. Paul and his guide, Barry Samms, of ‘Off The Grid Adventures’ truly have an adventure you are not going to want to miss.
Northern Heavyweight Whitetail S18 Ep3
October 16th on City Tv, Kevin Beasley is headed to Northern Manitoba for a whitetail hunt. He’s taking his father Ken along on the hunt and they both have some great encounters while hunting with ‘Sandy River Outfitters’. This area is known for giant deer and Kevin harvests his heaviest ever!
Fowl of the Prairie Skies S18 Ep4
October 23rd on City Tv, Kevin Beasley is waterfowl hunting in Saskatchewan with ‘Prairie Sky Outfitters’. He has a great mixed bag hunt as they target ducks, geese and even sandhill cranes.
Giant Bow Bear S18 Ep5
October 30th on City Tv, Paul Beasley is hunting for giant bears with his bow in Ontario with ‘Saul Outfitters’. He has some great encounters with big bruins during his week.
Bucks In The Snow S18 Ep6
November 6th on City Tv, Kevin Beasley is hunting the late season in northern Ontario as he tries to harvest a mature buck with his rifle with ‘Border Country Outfitters’.
Mixed Manitoba Waterfowl S18 Ep7
November 13th on City TV, Keith Beasley is waterfowl hunting in Manitoba with ‘Agassiz Outfitters’. He has a mixed bag waterfowl hunt and enjoys the spoils of his hunt.
Big Bush Bucks With Bow S18 Ep8
November 20th on City Tv, Paul Beasley is hunting whitetails with his bow in Saskatchewan. He’s hunting with ‘Stillar’s Western Outfitters’ and has a great week in the deer woods.
Mega Moose on the Rock S18 Ep9
November 27th on City Tv, Kevin Beasley is hunting for moose in Newfoundland. He’ll be hunting with ‘Deep Valley Outfitters’ and encounters a mega moose!
Woods Full of Bears S18 Ep10
June 5th on City Tv, Kevin Beasley is hunting black bears with his crossbow in New Brunswick. He’s hunting with ‘North Shore Guide Services’ and also enjoys some classic east coast striper fishing.
Saskatchewan in the Rut S18 Ep11
December 11th on City Tv, Keith Beasley is crossbow hunting whitetails in Saskatchewan. He’s hunting with ‘Buck Country Outfitters’ and has a great week pursuing a mature buck.
Great Lake Divers S18 Ep12
December 18th on City Tv, Paul Beasley is hunting diver ducks on Lake Ontario with ‘County Outfitters’. He has plenty of fast and exciting action as he battles the elements during this late season waterfowl hunt.
Big Velvet Mulies S18 Ep13
December 25th on City Tv, Keith Beasley is hunting in Alberta as he spot-and-stalks big velvet mule deer with his bow. He’ll be hunting with the Wendorff family and has some heart stopping encounters during his hunt.
Big Water Divers – S17 Ep15
December 26th on City TV….Keith Beasley is duck hunting in Southern Ontario with ‘Robert Stanley Hunting and Fishing Guiding Services’. He’s targeting fast moving divers on Lake St. Clair.
New Brunswick Moose – S17 Ep14
October 31st on City TV….Paul Beasley is headed to central New Brunswick to take part in their short but exciting five day moose season. He’s back hunting with ‘Taxis River Outfitters’ and looking for another big bull like last time.
Ontario Fly-in Moose – S17 Ep13
December 19th on City TV…. Kevin Beasley is on a fly-in moose hunt with ‘Pine Portage Lodge’. He’s in for a true northern Ontario hunting adventure with great grouse & moose hunting in the remote wilderness.
Two Brothers Two Bears – S17 Ep12
December 12th on City TV….Paul & Keith Beasley are hunting bears with ‘Rock’s Hunt Camp’ in the Algoma District of northern Ontario. They’re each trying to harvest a bear with their crossbows and have some great encounters with some big bruins.
Big Bulls in the Fog – S17 Ep11
Oct 10th on City TV….Kevin Beasley is back in Newfoundland hunting moose with ‘Woodman’s Outfitters’. He’s covering the bogs in the south-central part of the island and is trying to harvest a good bull with his rifle.
Big Saskatchewan Whitetails – S17 Ep10
October 3rd on City TV….Keith Beasley is headed to Saskatchewan to hunt the whitetail woods with ‘Big Spruce Outfitting’. He battles the cold temperatures as he tries to harvest a mature buck with his rifle.
Wood Buffalo Moose Adventure – S17 Ep9
September 26th on City TV….Keith Beasley is on a fly-in moose hunting adventure in northern Alberta with ‘Misty River Outfitters’. Keith’s hunting the Wood Buffalo region and hunts hard as he tries to get a mature bull into bow range.
Big Manitoba Moose – S17 Ep5
September 19th on City Tv…Keith Beasley is on a fly-in moose adventure in Northern Manitoba. He’ll be hunting along the Churchill river with ‘Agassiz Outfitters’, and has some up close and personal encounters.
Black Bear Adventure – S17 Ep8
December 5th on City TV….Kevin Beasley is hunting bears in northern Ontario with ‘Red Pine Lodge’. He has a great time fishing and hunting as he tries to harvest a bear with his crossbow.
Archery Moose on the Rock – S17 Ep7
September 5th on City TV….Kevin Beasley is on “The Rock” archery hunting moose with ‘Where-Ya-Wannabee’ outfitters. The scenery is stunning and the moose are everywhere.
Big Saskatchewan Honkers – S17 Ep6
August 29th on City TV….Paul Beasley and Brad Fenson are in Saskatchewan hunting big Canada geese and ducks with the ‘Saskatchewan Goose Company’. The waterfowl action is intense and the skies are full.
Saskatchewan Archery Whitetail – S17 Ep4
August 22nd on City TV….Kevin Beasley is heading back to northern Saskatchewan to hunt the big whitetail woods with ‘Bait Masters Hunting Camp’. He’s on the ground with his bow as he attempts to harvest a mature buck.
Two Manitoba Monster Moose – S17 Ep3
November 28th on City Tv…Paul Beasley and Spyros Chrysochou of Stoeger Canada are flying in to a very remote moose hunt in Northern Manitoba with ‘All Terrain Bear Hunts’. the rut is on and the bulls are fired up!
Fowl Weather – S07 Ep13
This week on “Canada in the Rough”, we’re Duck hunting in Southwestern Ontario!
The Bradley Duck Hunting Club is located on the south shores of Lake St. Clair, along the James Bay Flyway, and has been host to many great hunts over the past 80 years. This year, we’re back for some more unique waterfowl hunting in their flooded corn. This rare style of marsh management not only gives the hunters an exceptional experience, but it also gives the local waterfowl some of the best natural cover, before the corn is harvested at the end of the season. Joining host’s Thomas Pigeon and Keith Beasley this week, will be John Mock of Stoeger Canada and also Jane Bradley.
Tune in to this weeks episode, for some fast paced waterfowl hunting from South Western Ontario.
Rattling in the Rut – S07 Ep12
This week on “Canada in the Rough”, we’re Whitetail hunting in Southwestern Ontario.
When that time of year finally comes around, and the rut kicks in, there’s only one place you’ll find the Canada in the Rough crew; pounding the bush, for some mature whitetail bucks. Today, Keith and Kevin Beasley will be archery hunting on some well managed, and completely fair-chase whitetail properties, and will be using aggressive tactics, to attract, some big whitetails. When Quality Deer Management is practiced, it can turn the rut into a frenzy, and in return, makes your hunt much more exciting.
Join us this week, as both Keith and Kevin, experience some great hunts, with some good friends, and are witness to some incredible whitetail action, in Southwestern Ontario.
Committed Canada’s – S07 Ep11
This week on “Canada in the Rough”, we’re goose hunting in Eastern Ontario!
Hunting for big Canadian honkers is some of the most exciting waterfowl hunting you can take part in, and is also, some of the best wild game you can harvest for the dinner table.
This week, Paul Beasley will be hunting with John Cristinziani of “Magnum Hunts”, and Al Gallagher from “Yamaha & G3 Boats”. Also joining them in the field will be the legendary, Fred Zink, of “Zink Calls”.
Fred founded “Zink Calls” back in 2001, and has quickly become one of the top game call manufacturers on the market; specializing in waterfowl, predator and turkey calls. Some of you may also recognize Fred from his very successful, “24/7” Waterfowl DVD’s.
Join us this week, as we get into some great goose hunting, with some close up encounters you have to see, to believe.
Majestic Moose – S07 Ep10
This week on “Canada in the Rough”, we’re calling in BIG bull moose during the rut!
Ontario is home to many great animals, but one of the most heart pounding hunts you can take part in, is calling bulls into bow range!
This week, the Beasley Brothers will be hunting with good friend Joe Dampier in the Thunder Bay district. Joe is a man with many talents. From serving his community as a Police Officer, to being an official measurer for FROW, and even the Vice-President of a local archery club. Joe is also a very accomplished archer, with many great animals taken over the past thirty years of hunting. His passion for archery hunting, and shooting, runs through the whole family. Both of Joe’s children, Alex and Katie and wife, Lisa, compete in many archery competitions, and have won 9 Canadian Championships. Not to mention the number of great animals the family has taken over the years. For the Dampiers, to say hunting is hobby is definitely an understatement!
Join us this week, as we experience one of the most exciting Moose hunts, we have ever filmed!
Coast to Coast Dream Hunts – S07 Ep09
This week on “Canada in the Rough”, we’re hunting Black Bears and Muskox!
Today we’ll be showing you two great hunts we took part in this past year. First, Paul Beasley will be hunting in the North West Territories with Jim Niehans of Rocky Brands. Jim will be archery hunting during the fall for one of the most prehistoric looking animals on the planet, the Muskox.
Muskox live in some of the most remote, and at times extreme, environments on earth. With strong tendencies towards charging opponents, hunting Muskox is nothing to take lightly.
We’ll also be showing you an east coast Black Bear hunt with Mark Wright of British Columbia. Mark was the lucky winner of last years “Rocky Dream Hunt Contest” and won a Black Bear hunt in New Brunswick with the Canada in the Rough crew.
Join us this week as we have two great big game hunts for you that span right across Canada.
Duck Hunting on the Prairies – S7 Ep08
This week on “Canada in the Rough”, we’re waterfowl hunting in Saskatchewan!
The town of Clair, in Southern Saskatchewan, may not be as booming as it once was, but what it lacks in human population is made up ten-fold with millions of waterfowl that migrate through this area every year!
The four major waterfowl migratory flyways in North America; the Atlantic, Mississippi, Central and Pacific, all pass through Saskatchewan and bring nearly 5 million ducks and geese to this area annually.
This week Kevin and Keith Beasley will be hunting with Randy Woolrich of “Ace Outfitting”, they’ll be hunting pea fields loaded with thousands of big mallards, and scenic marshes for a mixed bag of diver and puddle ducks.
Stay tuned for an exciting and memorable waterfowl hunt in Saskatchewan.
Bears in Oats in BC – S07 Ep07
This week, on “Canada in the Rough”, we’re on a spot and stalk Black Bear hunt, in the oat fields of BC!
While a lot of Bear hunting in Canada is done from tree stands, there’s nothing quite like being face to face with “Ursus Americanus”.
Black Bears are Omnivores, which means they feed on meat and vegetation, but during this time of year, in Vanderhoof BC, the lush oat fields are the daily special. Today’s episode follows the Beasley Brothers as they get eye level with big black bears with good friend, and Vanderhoof resident, Chad Westbrook.
The people of Vanderhoof British Columbia are one of kind, and this week, we take part in some great hospitality and some good old fashion cooking during our visit.
Stay tuned as Paul will be hunting with his trusty 300 WSM while Keith takes the stealthy archery approach, and both have exciting encounters with Big Black Bears!
Finland Moose – S07Ep06
This week on “Canada in the Rough”, we’re on vacation, moose hunting, in Finland!
Though Finland is a relatively small country that boarders Russia and Sweden, hunting is a big part of life for many people here; it’s about time spent with friends and family enjoying the outdoors and this great hunting heritage together.
This week Thomas will be joined by John Mock of Stoeger Canada. They will be taking a tour of the legendary Sako rifle factory and hunting for the European moose in the traditional Finish style. Unlike Canada, where most moose hunting is done in small groups and calling the moose to you, Finland moose hunting typically involves large groups pushing bush-lots with dogs, while other hunters wait at designated stations. Hunting this way is not only very effective, but the camaraderie simply can’t be beat.
Join us this week, for an exciting, traditional European moose hunt, in Finland.
Smoking Barrels in BC – S07Ep05
This week on “Canada in the Rough”, we’re waterfowl hunting in British Columbia!
The Goose and Duck populations in, and around, Vanderhoof, BC, soar during the annual migration and turn this area into a waterfowl mecca! Located smacked dab in the middle of British Columbia, this small town sits alongside the Nachako River and is surrounded by huge agricultural farmlands. This friendly community has everything you need; from comfortable accommodations, great restaurants with locally prepared food, and even a museum with restored buildings from the early 1900’s.
Chad Westbrook from “Wing and Trout Outfitters” is our guide this week, and with his great reputation for putting his clients on awesome waterfowl hunts and amazing fishing adventures, we can’t wait to get hunting with him this week.
When we return, the hunt begins in British Columbia.
Fall Ruttin’ Muskox – S07Ep04
This week on “Canada in the Rough”, we’re on a spot and stalk Muskox Hunt in the Northwest Territories!
The mighty Muskox… with its long, shaggy, & woolly hair, intimidating curled horns, and the abilities to survive extremely harsh winters, makes this prehistoric looking animal one of the most unique animals to hunt on the planet! And that’s exactly what Paul Beasley will be doing this week with his trusty bow.
Surrounded by the Beaufort Sea, Banks Island is home to the worlds largest Muskox population and the Northwest Territories most northerly community; Sachs Harbour, which has a population of just over 100 people. To get to this remote location you fly out of Inuvik, located 2 degrees above the Arctic Circle. Here you can stock up on all you’ll need for your week of hunting, and even learn about the area at the Western Arctic Regional Visitor Centre. The centre is full of traditional items from the area and information on some of the animals that roam the Arctic; like the majestic Caribou and of course the powerful Muskox.
The native people of Sachs rely heavily on food from the land; from Lake Trout and Arctic Char, to snow geese and ducks; which call Banks Island home during he nesting season. But one of the most sought after species is the Muskox. The meat of the Muskox feeds the community while the wool and horns are turned into clothing and traditional tools and sculptures.
Stay tuned as this week, Paul Beasley will be on a very unique spot and stalk hunt, and witnesses one of wildlife’s most powerful demonstrations
Mid-day Magic – S07 Ep03
This week on “Canada in the Rough”, we’re Turkey hunting in Ontario!
The Eastern Wild Turkey is fast becoming one of the most popular game birds to hunt, and when spring arrives you can bet the Canada in the Rough crew are out scouting for turkeys every chance they get. Putting your time in before the season opens results in great success when it comes to hunting these wary birds. During the spring breeding season, the older Tom’s have one thing on their mind as they strut around trying to impress their favorite gal and fending off the advances of younger Tom’s and Jake’s.
Today’s episode finds Paul and Kevin Beasley hunting with Brian Kelvington of Federal Premium Ammunition. Though Brian is an experienced turkey hunter in the US, this is his first time hunting in Ontario for an Eastern gobbler.
When we return we’re hitting the Turkey fields of Southern Ontario.
St. Lawrence Snows – S07Ep02
This week on “Canada in the Rough”, we’re headed to the Province of Quebec, for a spring season conservation snow goose hunt!
The fields of Cap Tourmente, situated along the Beaupre Coast of the St. Lawrence River, hold five-hundred-thousand snow geese during the spring.
As they stage here before making their long trip to their Arctic nesting grounds, they feed heavily on grasses and the root system of the American Bulrush. Though the heavy foraging is ecologically sustainable here, the birds are so numerous that they are destroying their own habitat in the Arctic. By harvesting the adult birds in the spring, we obtain great table fare and are actually helping reduce the damage on the fragile Arctic eco system.
Join us today as Thomas, Keith and waterfowl biologist, John Sauro, get into some great snow goose hunting in Quebec!
Epic Turkey Triple – S16E14
The Beasley Brothers are after the elusive turkey triple header in Ontario. They also get the opportunity to hunt with Member of Parliament, Blaine Calkins and talk about the future of hunting in Canada.
The Story That Needs to be Told – S16E13
For this special episode, Paul and Keith Beasley travel to the dark continent. This is not your typical African hunting story, but rather a story that sheds light on the true relationship between hunting and conservation as the Beasley’s learn firsthand what real animal conservation looks like, as they visit ‘Jan Oelofse Hunting Safaris’ in Namibia. Whether you like hunting in Africa or not, this is an episode every hunter and non-hunter should watch.
New Brunswick Mountain Moose – S16E12
Keith Beasley is hunting moose with his bow in New Brunswick with ‘Cherry on Top Adventures’. He hunts hard on foot and has a number of close encounters during his week hunting.
Big Woods Bucks – S16E11
Paul Beasley is hunting the big woods of Manitoba with his father Ken for whitetail deer. They’ll be doing all day sit’s in hope of getting a crack at a big buck as they hunt with Harvest Lodge on the Waterhen River.
Big Moose- Big Adventure – S16E10
Keith Beasley is headed to “The Rock” to hunt moose with ‘Taylor’s Brook Outfitting’. He’s in for an exciting hunt as he chases big bulls and also has some surprise encounters with a number of Woodland Caribou.
Big Bucks in Ontario – S16E09
Keith Beasley is headed to Northern Ontario to hunt big bucks with friend and VP of Camillus Knives, John Ward. They’ll be hunting at ‘Border Country Outfitters’ and will be doing all they can to harvest some mature bucks.
Fast and Furious Divers – S16E08
Kevin Beasley is hunting in South Eastern Ontario for diver ducks with ‘Feed the Adrenaline Outfitters’. This fast and furious waterfowl hunt is full of action as the guys battle the snow, ice, and cold temperatures that challenge their hunts.
Woods Full of Black Bears – S16E07
This Week…Paul Beasley is headed to ‘Baldy Mountain Outfitters’ in Manitoba to hunt big black bears with friend and president of ‘Excalibur Crossbow’, Rob Dykeman. They have many close up and exciting bear encounters with some aggressive and colour phase bruins, during their week of hunting.
Air Times (Check Your Local Listings For More Times)
- City: SUNDAYS-8:30am est.
- Sportsman Channel Canada: THURSDAYS-8pm est.
- CKPG TV: MONDAYS-6pm pst.
- CFJC TV: SUNDAYS-8am pst.
- Sportsman Channel USA: TUESDAYS-8pm est.
- TVA (Quebec)- Check Local Listings.
Be sure to visit and follow all our other social media platforms and website to keep up to date with all our hunting adventures and find TV broadcast times in your area.
Broadcast Times:
Instagram: (@canadaintherough)
‘Canada in the Rough’ Meticulously produced, expertly photographed and ultimately in a league of its own, Canada in the Rough™ has become “must watch” television for all hunters. Now for the first time, we are releasing “Web Exclusives” of the best hunts from Canada and the World! Be sure to check out our “Web Exclusive” playlist for more exciting hunting adventures, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our Channel!
A Fathers First Moose – S16E06
This Week…Kevin Beasley is taking his father Ken to the infamous moose mecca of Newfoundland. Ken’s in for a treat as he hunts with ‘Northside Outfitters and Adventures’.
Air Times (Check Your Local Listings For More Times)
- City: SUNDAYS-8:30am est.
- Sportsman Channel Canada: THURSDAYS-8pm est.
- CKPG TV: MONDAYS-6pm pst.
- CFJC TV: SUNDAYS-8am pst.
- Sportsman Channel USA: TUESDAYS-8pm est.
- TVA (Quebec)- Check Local Listings.
Be sure to visit and follow all our other social media platforms and website to keep up to date with all our hunting adventures and find TV broadcast times in your area.
Broadcast Times:
Instagram: (@canadaintherough)
‘Canada in the Rough’ Meticulously produced, expertly photographed and ultimately in a league of its own, Canada in the Rough™ has become “must watch” television for all hunters. Now for the first time, we are releasing “Web Exclusives” of the best hunts from Canada and the World! Be sure to check out our “Web Exclusive” playlist for more exciting hunting adventures, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our Channel!
Kevin’s Biggest Bear – S16E05
This Week…Kevin Beasley is headed to the Algoma district of Northern Ontario to bear hunt with his father Ken at ‘Whitefish Lodge and Outpost Camps”. Both are in for some heart pumping bear encounters, including the biggest black bear Kevin has ever seen in Ontario.
Air Times (Check Your Local Listings For More Times)
- City: SUNDAYS-8:30am est.
- Sportsman Channel Canada: THURSDAYS-8pm est.
- CKPG TV: MONDAYS-6pm pst.
- CFJC TV: SUNDAYS-8am pst.
- Sportsman Channel USA: TUESDAYS-8pm est.
- TVA (Quebec)- Check Local Listings.
Be sure to visit and follow all our other social media platforms and website to keep up to date with all our hunting adventures and find TV broadcast times in your area.
Broadcast Times:
Instagram: (@canadaintherough)
‘Canada in the Rough’ Meticulously produced, expertly photographed and ultimately in a league of its own, Canada in the Rough™ has become “must watch” television for all hunters. Now for the first time, we are releasing “Web Exclusives” of the best hunts from Canada and the World! Be sure to check out our “Web Exclusive” playlist for more exciting hunting adventures, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our Channel!
Skies Full of Mallards – S16E04
This Week…Paul Beasley is waterfowl hunting the duck factory of Manitoba with ‘Dirty Lake Outfitters’. He’s in for some exciting duck and goose action as he hunts the early season flocks.
Air Times (Check Your Local Listings For More Times)
- City: SUNDAYS-8:30am est.
- Sportsman Channel Canada: THURSDAYS-8pm est.
- CKPG TV: MONDAYS-6pm pst.
- CFJC TV: SUNDAYS-8am pst.
- Sportsman Channel USA: TUESDAYS-8pm est.
- TVA (Quebec)- Check Local Listings.
Be sure to visit and follow all our other social media platforms and website to keep up to date with all our hunting adventures and find TV broadcast times in your area.
Broadcast Times:
Instagram: (@canadaintherough)
‘Canada in the Rough’ Meticulously produced, expertly photographed and ultimately in a league of its own, Canada in the Rough™ has become “must watch” television for all hunters. Now for the first time, we are releasing “Web Exclusives” of the best hunts from Canada and the World! Be sure to check out our “Web Exclusive” playlist for more exciting hunting adventures, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our Channel!
Big Bulls Down on The Rock – S16E03
This Week…Paul Beasley is on a very exciting Newfoundland adventure with ‘Arluk Outfitters’. He’ll be joined by Jeremy Eldredge of Hoyt Archery, and they’re both in for some heart pumping bear and moose encounters.
Air Times (Check Your Local Listings For More Times)
- City: SUNDAYS-8:30am est.
- Sportsman Channel Canada: THURSDAYS-8pm est.
- CKPG TV: MONDAYS-6pm pst.
- CFJC TV: SUNDAYS-8am pst.
- Sportsman Channel USA: TUESDAYS-8pm est.
- TVA (Quebec)- Check Local Listings.
Be sure to visit and follow all our other social media platforms and website to keep up to date with all our hunting adventures and find TV broadcast times in your area.
Broadcast Times:
Instagram: (@canadaintherough)
‘Canada in the Rough’ Meticulously produced, expertly photographed and ultimately in a league of its own, Canada in the Rough™ has become “must watch” television for all hunters. Now for the first time, we are releasing “Web Exclusives” of the best hunts from Canada and the World! Be sure to check out our “Web Exclusive” playlist for more exciting hunting adventures, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our Channel!
Father & Son Black Bears – S16E02
This Week…Keith Beasley is on a very special black bear hunt in Northern Ontario, with his son Kaden for his first ever bear hunt. This week they will be hunting with ‘Black Bear Adventures’ and the bear action is intense!
Air Times (Check Your Local Listings For More Times)
- City: SUNDAYS-8:30am est.
- Sportsman Channel Canada: THURSDAYS-8pm est.
- CKPG TV: MONDAYS-6pm pst.
- CFJC TV: SUNDAYS-8am pst.
- Sportsman Channel USA: TUESDAYS-8pm est.
- TVA (Quebec)- Check Local Listings.
Be sure to visit and follow all our other social media platforms and website to keep up to date with all our hunting adventures and find TV broadcast times in your area.
Broadcast Times:
Instagram: (@canadaintherough)
‘Canada in the Rough’ Meticulously produced, expertly photographed and ultimately in a league of its own, Canada in the Rough™ has become “must watch” television for all hunters. Now for the first time, we are releasing “Web Exclusives” of the best hunts from Canada and the World! Be sure to check out our “Web Exclusive” playlist for more exciting hunting adventures, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our Channel!
Spot & Stalk Giant Mule Deer – S16E01
This Week…Kevin Beasley is on a spot and stalk mule deer hunt, in southern Alberta, with ‘Rough Country Outfitting’. He’s in for an exciting week, as he tries to get one of these giant bucks with his bow.
Air Times (Check Your Local Listings For More Times)
- City: SUNDAYS-8:30am est.
- Sportsman Channel Canada: THURSDAYS-8pm est.
- CKPG TV: MONDAYS-6pm pst.
- CFJC TV: SUNDAYS-8am pst.
- Sportsman Channel USA: TUESDAYS-8pm est.
- TVA (Quebec)- Check Local Listings.
Be sure to visit and follow all our other social media platforms and website to keep up to date with all our hunting adventures and find TV broadcast times in your area.
Broadcast Times:
Instagram: (@canadaintherough)
‘Canada in the Rough’ Meticulously produced, expertly photographed and ultimately in a league of its own, Canada in the Rough™ has become “must watch” television for all hunters. Now for the first time, we are releasing “Web Exclusives” of the best hunts from Canada and the World! Be sure to check out our “Web Exclusive” playlist for more exciting hunting adventures, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our Channel!
Alberta Elk – S15E13
Paul Beasley heads to Southern Alberta to chase elk with his bow with ‘Alberta Big Game Outfitters’. Multiple close and exciting encounters and the breathtaking wilderness makes for a great episode.
VISIT… for broadcast times and stations.
Lots of Ontario Toms – S15E12
The Beasley Brothers are in search of big toms on local farms in Southern Ontario. The ever-increasing turkey population makes for some exciting mornings as the guys share the woods with some of their kids, and even attempt the elusive triple-header.
VISIT:… for broadcast times and stations.
Ontario Bucks – S15E11
The Beasley Brothers are late-season deer hunting in Ontario at “Valley Guiding and Outfitting” . They’re hoping to get on a mature buck in the big timber.
VISIT… for broadcast times and stations.
Remote Wilderness Bears – S15E10
Paul Beasley is hunting with his father Ken at ‘Hillsport Hillton’, in Northern Ontario. They’re hunting hard with their crossbows and have some great encounters with some nice bruins.
VISIT:… for broadcast times and stations.